Commercials & Feature Films
I've been working on a set for the last 18 years now (I learned while 35mm was the option). I've always worked on the camera crew and I did all the steps till I get DP. At the beginning, I used to work as an 'on set editor' in commercials with directors as Esteban Sapir, Armandito Bo and others.
Feature films and other stuff, you can check my experience on IMDB.
I consider myself a 'boutique Director'. Sometimes I direct commercials and other audiovisual projects such as videoclips, documentaries, fashion films or liveshow videos. My first feature film as a Director, "Reflejo de un pescador", was selected for BAFICI 2022 , and was released in theatrical in Argentina in 2024 and soon will be in México.
TVLIVE SHOWS - as a DP & Cam Operator
TV Documentary Series
Latinos Afuera (2011) - Prod. Co: Recordables Films (additional).Member of BACUA content│ Channels on the air: Canal Encuentro ; TDA.
Reina del Carnaval (2011) - Prod. Co: Recordables Films. Memberof BACUA content│Channels on the air: Canal Encuentro; TDA.
Maestros del Litoral (2012) - Prod. Co: Recordables Films. Memberof BACUA content│Channels on the air: Canal Encuentro; TDA.
Musica Circular (2014) (Cam Operator) - Prod. Co: La Brújula │Channels on the air: CanalEncuentro; TV Pública Canal 7.
Encuentro en el CIAM (2015) - Prod.Co: La Brújula │Channels on the air: Canal Encuentro; TDA.
Encuentro en la Cúpula. SE01 (2016) (Cam Operator) - Prod. Co: La Brújula│Channels on the air: Canal Encuentro;TV Pública Canal 7.
POMS, Academiade Baile (2022) - Prod. Co: RPM Content │ Channels on the air: Postproduction
DESAFIO SOBREFUEGO LATINOAMERICA (2022) (Cam Operator) - Prod. Co: NIPPUR MEDIA │ Channels on the air: History Channel
LIVESHOWS VIDEOS - as a DP & Cam Operator
Luis Miguel"México por Siempre!" at Auditorio Nacional CDMX / Hoppo / HildaLizarazu / Kevin Johansen / Paulinho Moska / Nano Stern / Pablo Dacal /Fernando Cabrera / Martín Buscaglia / Orquesta Sinfónica de Moscú / Orquesta Filarmónica de Ushuaia /
Orquesta Sinfónica Teatro Colón / Orquesta de Cámara Municipal de Rosario / Grupo de Musica de Camara de Salta / Rodolfo Mederos /Vitaly Pisarenko / Alexander Sherbakov / Hernán Ayuv Schmidl / Michael Mc Halle/ Carlé Costa / Katia Borissova / Gabriela Pochinki / Goran Filipec / Valentín Surif / Riccardo Cambri / Csaba Onczay & Zoltán Onczay
LIVESHOWS VIDEOS - as a Cam Operator
Sabino at Palacio de los Deportes (2023) / Enjambre Noches de Salón at Auditorio Nacional (2023) / Molotov at Foro Sol (2023) / Danna Paola Tour XT4S1S at Auditorio Nacional CDMX (2023) / Molotov at WTC in Veracruz (2023) / Los Auténticos Decadentes at Palacio de los Deportes CDMX (2022) / Sting / Gustavo Santaolalla at Cúpula CCK / Café Tacuba at Teatro Colón (2019) / Ricardo Arjona "Circo Soledad" (2018) / Abel Pintos "Revolución" at RiverPlate Stadium / Babasónicos "Impuesto de fé" at Teatro Colón / La Vela Puerca "20 años" / La Beriso / Mimi Maura / Massacre/ Dancing Mood / Orquesta Típica Fernández Fierro / Morbo y Mambo / Sara Hebe / Alika / Barco / Tonolec / Pablo Dacal / Ligia Piro / Palo Pandolfo / Juan Falú/ Sofia Viola / Chancha Vía Circuito / Rayos Laser / Luis Salinas / Adrián Iaies / Los Amados / La Bomba del Tiempo / Axel Krygier / Paloma del Cerro /Soema Montenegro / Elena Roger / Daniel Melingo / Ezequiel Borra
CINEMA - Image and Sound Design at UBA-FADU (Universidad de Buenos Aires)
Direction of Photography at SICA (Sindicato de la Industria Cinematografica Argentina)
Still Photography at Centro Cultural Rojas
Music at Conservatorio Nacional de Música Hipólito Bouchard
Masterclasses/ Workshops / Courses / Training
* Lighting for Cinema. Dictated by DPs Felix Monti, Marcelo Camorino, Hugo Colace and colorist Luisa Cavanagh
* Audiovisual Production. Dictated by producer Paula Zyngierman
* Documentary Films. Dictated by director and producer Hugo Perez
* Cinematographic Framing at DAC (Directores Argentinos Cinematográficos). Dictated by director Adrián Caetano and DPs Julián Apesteguia and Iván Gierasinchuk, among others directors and DPs
* General Astronomy and Intense Astronomy at Planetario "Galileo Galilei". Dictated by Mariano Ribas and Diego Hernandez
Spanish: native
English: fluent
Portuguese: proficient
Italian: beginner